Saturday, November 29, 2014

Little Lady on the Way

Meet Jason & Krystle! I love photographing maternity sessions- this one happens to be a little babe I will meet come January/February! Jason & Krystle are having a little GIRL and I am pretty excited to meet her :) They did a gender reveal for family and friends that was pretty cool (if I would have thought  of it, I probably would have done it instead of our chalk reveal with Reid!) Jason shot an arrow at a balloon and the popped balloon revealed the gender! So cool! (or at least I think so, coming from a family full of hunters, including myself) These guys were so fun to work with! We lucked out weather-wise for a late November session - (you just never know if there will be 2 feet of snow or below freezing temps!) we had a warm foggy day, and I captured some great shots of these two! Krystle is looking and feeling great and becoming a family of three is such an exciting time in someone's life. I can't wait for them to see the joy that becoming a parent brings! 