Sunday, June 23, 2013

Horsin' Around

Alright. So I'm just gonna lay it all out on the line here. I kind of went overboard with images here-- BUT it's for good reason... ok, reasons....
Reason #1: Rachel ROCKS.
Reason #2: I LOOOOVVVE horses.
Reason #3: Because I can go overboard whenever I want. I am my own boss!! Hehe!
And the reasons could go on and on all day--- 
I had the privilege of meeting and photographing miss Rachel and her beloved ponies Hunter & Gadget last week!! I was SUPER duper excited about this from the moment I found out I would be working with not only her, but her furry four-legged pals :) I have loved horses since before I could probably even say the word. And this girl has 2, yes 2 of them, all to herself- JEALOUS much!! Lol!  But in all seriousness here, Rachel is as sweet and beautiful on the inside as she is on the outside! It was an absolute breeze working with her. And I can't take all the credit for the fan-tabulous horse shots, as I had much help with making them a success. My aunt Vicki & Rachel's mom Michelle were wonderful horse wranglers for me! It can be challenging at times working with the non-human subjects, as obviously you can't tell them "tilt your head a little further to the left" or "perk your ears up & stand still!" Although that would have made my job a lot easier!!! So enough talking, and onto the amazing images -- ENJOY!! {P.S. the horses LOVED Rachel's hat}

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Come Rain or Come Shine

Corey & Joni were blessed with an absolutely gorgeous wedding day-- I can't say that I have experienced a wedding that has gone by so perfectly underneath the shadow of a 90% chance of rain! Not even so much as a sprinkle! I was super excited for her, when mother nature decided to cooperate. They had a beautiful ceremony at Backbone State Park surrounded by their closest family and friends. I had so much fun with this group, and they are a perfect couple for each other who's love for one another definitely shows! I wish Corey & Joni only the best in their marriage & new life together as a family! I am so lucky to have shared in their special day. :)

 Just had to share this one-- a girl's gotta have someone to hold her dress when running to the bathroom!

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Put a little color in your day :)

Family is my fave ;) I just love seeing families again & again, and watching the kiddos grow & change! Meet the Hoffman family, who you've probably seen a few times before :) I just adore Mr. Cale & Miss Livia! These guys kept me on my toes for sure, and I think I left the session feeling like I just ran a mile at the gym! Haha! Summer sessions can be buggy & hot, but these guys did great & we came away with some pretty cute images! Livia has one of the sweetest most contagious smiles, and Cale is the most adorable little blue-eyed red head I know! I can tell he loves his little sister so much! I hope the Hoffman family enjoys their sneak peek, and as always I had so much fun with them!

Friday, June 7, 2013

Baby Blues

Meet Cam-- and meet his cute little smirk and adorable blue eyes in this first image :) He is just sooo stinkin' cute!! You may remember little Cam from his newborn session-- we put him in a little wire basket surrounded by some baseballs (dad's favorite sport!) So I wanted to incorporate that into his 1 year session! Cam loved playing in the dirt on the field, just as any little boy would!! I think he looks pretty handsome in his baseball cap! (some of my favorites) He was such a smiley little guy! We also grabbed a few quick ones with mom & dad as well as a few in his birthday outfit (the cute little hat & #1 shirt fashioned by grandma Jean!) I just loved spending time with this family, they have quite the charmer on their hands!! Enjoy-

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Furry Family

Pets are family too, let's not forget! I am, of course, a pet lover. :) We have a cat and two dogs, and if my husband would let me (and if we could ever afford it) I'd probably have a whole herd of horses. :) So whenever anyone asks if they can have some pics with their furry family, I always say "of course!!" Pets are absolutely part of the family and should be treated as such!! Meet Dani, Jordan & Mr. Chesney-- they were a breeze to photograph, and I absolutely LOVE these images :) Mr. Chesney stole the show with his bright gray/blue eyes and his ever-adorable little head tilts-- I think we probably would have run out of treats if I would have worked with them much longer! I have TONS more fabulous images, but I had to save some for Dani & Jordan to see when they are complete! I hope they enjoy their little sneak peek!!