Thursday, June 30, 2011

The Hoffmann's

Meet the Hoffmann's~ Joe, Amy & Cale! We had a great session-- don't get many where the conditions are close to perfect-- overcast & not windy! It was a tad bit humid, but it is summer-time! I had a bunch of fun walking around at a new location (big thank you to the Huber family for letting us roam their property!) & getting some cute family shots as well as some 3 year pics of Mr. Cale! He was such a little ham! He smiled so well, and I just couldn't resist posting the goofy one... I just love candid shots where kids are just being kids! I hope the Hoffman family enjoys their sneak peek! It was a great session!! 

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Domeyer Family

Meet the Domeyer's-- Jeff, Emily, Mason & Maverick. You may very well have seen this family before, but now they have a new little addition~ Maverick, who is just 7 weeks old! I shot his newborn session back in May; he is such a cutie! And you've probably seen blue-eyed Mr. Mason as well~ I just love returning families as I get to see all of the little ones grow up! We caught it pretty close on this session because a few annoying sprinkles just couldn't wait until the end of our session! We made it through though, no worse for wear, & ended up with some pretty cute images :) I hope you all enjoy the sneak peek!

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Austin & Cade F.

These two boys were too much fun! We just had to let boys be boys for this shoot. Cammo & Iowa Hawkeyes were what it was all about, that & the brotherly bond these two guys share! I work with their mom Brittany~ hers sons Austin & Cade are quite the pair, and their personalities were just a hoot to be around! They may look alike with their bright blue eyes, but are each their own individual! Austin was a little more shy, but loved to smile for the camera, and even got in a few goofy poses too... & Cade, Austin's little bro was such a ham! They both did wonderful, & I got some great images for their mom & dad! Enjoy!