Monday, April 23, 2012

Abby & Jett

Meet Abby & Jett. And now meet their stunning photos. :) I will be second photographer for their wedding in June (& no, I am not shooting weddings by myself yet- I have had lots ask). I obviously had a hard time whittling these images down... I have WAY too many favorites-- which isn't necessarily a bad thing, I guess! These two were so much fun to work with! They said they couldn't rock the serious face....but I beg to differ! They are some of my faves! There were Of course there were LOTS more where these came from, so they will probably have a heck of a time trying to narrow them down as well! They are a wonderful couple (& gorgeous to boot) and I can't wait to trail them around on their big day! Enjoy~

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Cash {1 year}

This post is for the Sheppard family! Little Mr. Cash just turned the big "1" so we had to get some great shots of this little blue-eyed cutie pie! He has grown & changed SO much since I photographed him as a newborn! Mom brought along some great antique props to use & Cash behaved so well for his snapshots & was so smiley & and I think loved the camera :) His family ~ Adam, Chelsea & big brother Cruz were great helpers & snuck in for a few shots as well! I hope the Sheppard's enjoy their sneak-peek & appreciate them being so patient for some pictures! I am happy to have a computer back!