Thursday, December 16, 2010

Thank You

Just wanted to thank everyone who chose MLStudios in 2010. It was a great year full of babies, kids, families & fun....
And I look forward to doing it all over again in 2011!
Hold dear the ones closest to your heart & don't forget to enjoy life's little moments ~

Saturday, December 4, 2010

In many instances there are no words to describe pain, loss, grief & anguish at a time during what may very well be your darkest hour. All you have is tomorrow, and to live in the present and be thankful for what you do have. I've come to realize the beauty in lots of things through my photography, but one thing is for sure. I am thankful for the blessing of such caring & thoughtful friends, family, and the love of one truly amazing and giving husband that would do anything for me. Here's to all the beauty in life.